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Blog Update: 1.0.3

· 5 min read

Hello guys! You are probably thinking either of these two things being one "Why did the site move domains?" and/or "Two where has this man been?" Well in all honesty I literally got lazy this past few months and didn't do anything. I just got back into programming after basically deleting all social media. The main issue for me has been Tiktok and then also the fact that as soon as I get home I go to my room and lay in my bed. It is allowing me to be extremely lazy, and make little to no progress on anything I am passionate about. As for the site moving domains and the site getting an overall new look and design. Basically I am planning to release a few guides to the stuff I learned and how I learned those things so quickly. This is for my programming/IT teacher at my school as I have already begun to exceed what he knew about a lot of the tech related things I study and have interest in. So because of this I thought I would make these guides for the future students and even for him to study and use. The issue is that my previous domain ( where my blog site originally existed was blocked by my High School for certain reasons. Because of this I decided to follow their guidelines and move the site over to this domain in hopes it would fix the issue. As of now it has and I can proceed with the creation of those guides which will slowly begin to be published and populate this site.

Content and Updates

I finally finished the Arch guide and will start on the windows one. You can still expect the Arch Linux customization guide but probably around when plasma 6 releases. Which as of now is midway through Feb. I don't really have any other updates this time so you will get more of a life update in this one.

life update

So in the firstblog I went into a little detail on the idea of college and where I would go. Well I had decided on Neumont CS Uni as it seemed college was gonna be the only route for me. At the time I didn't know of any other routes or ways I could achieve my goals. But recently I decided that college wasn't gonna be for me. I used to love the school environment as a kid. But as I got older I realized I just Liked learning and trying to understand life and the interests I have. I don't think our world is shaped for those who want to just learn something for the rest of their life. It is made for those who can follow instructions and do what others have laid out for you. I realized I didn't want this, not for myself at least. I wanted to do something about it but I honestly didn't know how. I began to research during this year of my life on how to get a good programming job without a bachelors or without going to college. And it turned out I wasn't the only one wanting to know. I looked through many articles and interviewed many people who went to college and how it affected their life and the Job they ended up getting. I also interviewed and read about those who didn't go to college and this is what I learned. First you have to understand yourself and whether you like the authority and structure of a school education system. This is important because for someone like me who doesn't like the school authority and structure system it feeds into how I will actually progress in college. For instance if I'm at school not doing any of my work and procrastinating every assignment and whatever else. Then that is the same exact energy I will bring with me to college. It begins to be bad and unhealthy to get into that you could honestly bring to the job later in life. It is up to you to break that habit or decide something else is causing it. The other things you have to do is figure out your learning style. Do you like working with people, Do you just like learning your interest, Are you always ready to learn something new? These things are important as it will help you decide maybe which college to attend or which other route is safer.Colleges all tend to have the same basic way of teaching a subject to a student but some vary a lot. Some have a lot more hands on, Some do most things online, Some let you basically do whatever you want with little guidelines. It is all very complicated so make sure you ask many questions, schedule calls with the schools, talk to the counselors, and get the picture of what you can expect. But do some research and see the routes that don't include a college or a private university.

Last Updated: Jan 18th, 2024

Next update: no expected updates