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Blog Update: 1.0.1

· 3 min read

Hello, everyone! I wanted to provide an update about the direction of my blog. It's been an exciting journey as a small developer who recently started blogging, and I've got some great news to share.

New Content and Regular Updates

Firstly, I'm thrilled to announce that I'll be adding more blogs. I've been working on a few exciting posts, and the next official update will bring three new blogs to the site. These posts will cover topics from previous years that I've been eager to share with you.

Expect a wide range of topics, from tutorials to deep dives into the latest developments in the tech world. My aim is to make sure that the information stays current and valuable. So, if you come across any outdated information, don't hesitate to let me know. Your feedback is highly appreciated.

New Feature

Something I wanted to add yesterday but could not figure out was comments and today I can officially announce the arrival of Giscus Comments added to all current and future blogs. This feature will allow users to connect a GitHub account to the official Giscus app and send comments on my site.

Monthly Updates

Additionally, I'm committed to providing regular updates to the blogs. My goal is to share new information every month, ensuring that the blogs remain fresh and informative. Whether it's a technical tutorial, a review of the latest tools, or a discussion about industry trends, I want to cover it all.

Upcoming Arch Linux Tutorial

In this update, I'm keeping it simple and focusing on one particular blog post that I'm really excited about Arch Linux Guide. I'm personally invested in this topic, and I want to provide the most up-to-date and comprehensive guide possible.

This tutorial will walk you through the entire Arch Linux installation process, from start to finish. You can expect to find not only the basic installation steps but also tips and tricks that I've learned along the way. I'll even share some of my favorite apps and features that make Arch Linux stand out.

Get in Touch

I encourage you to leave comments and feedback. As a developer, I value your insights, suggestions, and questions. Feel free to shoot me a comment, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

In the coming months, I'll work on improving the grammar and overall quality of the blogs. We all make mistakes, but we can also learn and grow from them. Your feedback will play a crucial role in making this blog a valuable resource.

Thank you for being a part of this journey with me. Stay tuned for more exciting content!

Last Updated: Jan 18th, 2024

Next update: no expected updates